News & Insights

Caution is Key as Scams are on the Rise

Who can forget the sound of dial up internet in the 90s? Now you can carry a computer that weighs less than a pound in your pocket that gives you instantaneous access to almost everything. Technological advances over the last…

Calmer Waters – Clearview Commentary 

Over the summer, I had the pleasure of taking a rafting trip with my daughter.  For a week, she and I enjoyed navigating – with seasoned guides – the middle fork of the Salmon River in oar boats, paddle boats…

Saving for Life’s Experiences

While some advisors focus only on saving for “retirement”, we believe there are a lot of life experiences that need planning attention along the way. It is important to listen carefully to our clients and learn the specific goals which…

As the World Turns

In the almost 3 months since I penned my commentary on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, world and market events have continued to swirl. Some changed, others not. Some familiar, others not so much. What remains prevalent, in my opinion,…

The positives of PUSHES

Are you someone who PUSHES through life? If so, the odds are in your favor to age well. Most individuals probably wouldn’t think that pushing through life would be conducive to aging well. In fact, when we think of pushing…

Russians and Fed Chiefs and Covid, oh my!

Well, we have certainly turned a corner as 2021 ended and 2022 has begun. Now that we are a month into the new year, let’s take a moment to see what’s different since we left 2021 behind. One thing that…